41 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of interface sketch design tools in the context of User Experience

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    The design stage plays a significant role in software development. Making skeleton models helps to understand the specification and requirements of the product. Design tools, as well as any other tools, should focus on User Experience. The aim of the publication is to compare tools for sketching interfaces taking into account User Experience. The main criterion for the evaluation of the tools was a test consisting in measuring the time and distance of a computer mouse during the execution of a given application sketch in 8 selected tools. Then, the respondents assessed the possibilities and experiences resulting from working in a given tool. This was supplemented by the assessment of the technical criteria. Ultimately, the best and the worst tools were selected according to the research subgroups. The level of education has been proven to influence the evaluation of interface sketch design tools

    Immunohistochemical visualization of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in ovarian tumors

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer represents one of the most deadly gynaecological neoplasms in developed countries and is a highly heterogeneous disease. Epidemiological studies show that anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the incidence and mortality of several types of cancer, indicating the potential role of pro-inflammatory factors in carcinogenesis. The expression of pro-inflammatory factors in various cancer types, including ovarian cancer, was assessed in many studies, yielding in consistent results, often due to the histological heterogeneity of various cancers. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of IL-1, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, COX-2,iNOS, and NF-kB in serous and mucinous ovarian cancers. Ninety cases of ovarian tumors classified into mucous and serous type (45 patients in each group) were selected. Each group was classified into subgroups according to the three stages of tumor differentiation, i.e. into (i) benign, (ii) borderline and (iii) malignant tumors. The presence of proteins of interest in paraffin sections was analysed by immunohistochemistry. The expression of most of the studied factors depended on the histological tumor subtype and the degree of malignancy. Expression of NF-κB appears to be related to the level of the neoplastic differentiation only in the group of serous tumors, while the presence of IL-6 in the mucinous tumor subtype was observed only in the case of benign lesions. Expression of IL-1, TNF-α and COX-2 increased with the stage of the disease in both serous and mucinous tumors. The highest level of TGF-β expression was observed in serous borderline tumors. The different levels of iNOS immunoreactivity between the groups of serous and mucinous tumors were observed only in borderline tumors. The results of our study may be helpful in designing therapeutic strategies depending on the type of ovarian cancer

    Prognostic impact of combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile in childhood acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background: The role of cellular drug resistance in childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has not yet been established. The aim of the study was the analysis of the clinical value of ex vivo drug resistance in pediatric AML. Patients and Methods: A cohort of 90 children with de novo AML were assayed for drug resistance profile by the 3-4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-difenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and prognostic model of in vitro drug sensitivity was analyzed. Results: Children who relapsed during follow-up showed higher in vitro resistance of leukemic blasts to most of the drugs tested, except for cytarabine, cladribine, vincristine, mercaptopurine and thioguanine. A combined in vitro drug resistance profile to fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone (FTM score) was defined and it had an independent prognostic significance for disease free survival in pediatric AML. Conclusion: The combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile to possibly may be used for better stratification of children with AML or indicate the necessity for additional therapy

    Zjawiska kryzysowe — geneza i wyzwania dla państwa w ujęciu Wincentego Stysia

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    Crisis phenomena — their genesis and a challenge for the state, according to Wincenty StyśWincenty Styś claimed that business fluctuations are natural consequences of economic growth in the conditions of freedom. He searched for an answer to the question of the causes of crisis phenomena in economy in order to be able to counter them effectively. In his opinion, economic fluctuations were caused by insufficient demand and barriers limiting the growth of consumption. He believed the sources of crisis lay in investment activities of entities and fluctuations on the money market, which accompany such activities. Styś supported active state, which should counteract cyclical fluctuations of economy and prevent their negative outcomes. He suggested increasing the share of larger layers of the population in the generated income, in order to increase the level of demand. Additionally, he recommended dissemination of property and linking its amount with work. He claimed that the state should stabilize the economy using the tools of fiscal and monetary policies. Public investments, in his eyes, allowed for increasing employment and income of the population, whereas planning, if part of the market system, effectively protected economy from fluctuations.Crisis phenomena — their genesis and a challenge for the state, according to Wincenty StyśWincenty Styś claimed that business fluctuations are natural consequences of economic growth in the conditions of freedom. He searched for an answer to the question of the causes of crisis phenomena in economy in order to be able to counter them effectively. In his opinion, economic fluctuations were caused by insufficient demand and barriers limiting the growth of consumption. He believed the sources of crisis lay in investment activities of entities and fluctuations on the money market, which accompany such activities. Styś supported active state, which should counteract cyclical fluctuations of economy and prevent their negative outcomes. He suggested increasing the share of larger layers of the population in the generated income, in order to increase the level of demand. Additionally, he recommended dissemination of property and linking its amount with work. He claimed that the state should stabilize the economy using the tools of fiscal and monetary policies. Public investments, in his eyes, allowed for increasing employment and income of the population, whereas planning, if part of the market system, effectively protected economy from fluctuations

    Agraryzm i jego wyraz w myśli społeczno-ekonomicznej F. Bujaka, W. Stysia i W. Grabskiego

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     AGRARIANISM AND ITS EXPRESSION IN THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IDEAS OF F. BUJAK, W. STYS AND W. GRABSKIScientific interests of F. Bujak, W. Stys and W. Grabski focused on agriculture and agricultural policy. During the inter-war period, they represented the so-called professorial trend in the development of the agrarian thought. They pointed out the need to improve the situation of the peasants and introduce an agricultural reform. While supporting the dissemination of property, they advocated for increasing the amount of land owed by peasants. Additionally, they suggested buying land by the state, and opposed to the parceling land without compensation. They also advocated for building a fair socio-economic political system, and liquidation of exploitation. Finally, they underlined the importance of cooperatives in the process of spreading economic and civilization progress in rural areas. AGRARIANISM AND ITS EXPRESSION IN THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IDEAS OF F. BUJAK, W. STYS AND W. GRABSKIScientific interests of F. Bujak, W. Stys and W. Grabski focused on agriculture and agricultural policy. During the inter-war period, they represented the so-called professorial trend in the development of the agrarian thought. They pointed out the need to improve the situation of the peasants and introduce an agricultural reform. While supporting the dissemination of property, they advocated for increasing the amount of land owed by peasants. Additionally, they suggested buying land by the state, and opposed to the parceling land without compensation. They also advocated for building a fair socio-economic political system, and liquidation of exploitation. Finally, they underlined the importance of cooperatives in the process of spreading economic and civilization progress in rural areas

    Model społecznej gospodarki rynkowej w ujęciu Wincentego Stysia

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    The social market economy in the views of Wincenty StyśThe paper presents basic elements of the economic and social conception framed by Wincenty Styś. A special attention has been paid to the notion of political democracy and socio-economic system, which have been presented against the background of the Polish and world economic thought. The author of the article has discussed Styś’s views on the problem of functioning of state in economic life. In the final remarks, the importance of Styś theory has been analyssed in relation to the modern economics.The social market economy in the views of Wincenty StyśThe paper presents basic elements of the economic and social conception framed by Wincenty Styś. A special attention has been paid to the notion of political democracy and socio-economic system, which have been presented against the background of the Polish and world economic thought. The author of the article has discussed Styś’s views on the problem of functioning of state in economic life. In the final remarks, the importance of Styś theory has been analyssed in relation to the modern economics

    Wincenty Stys's Concept of Reorganization of the Agricultural System and Development of Western Lands as a Manifestation of the Effectiveness of Economic Activities

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    The article presents Wincenty Stys's programme of reorganization of the agricultural system, which aimed at increasing agricultural productivity and elimination of income inequality in rural areas. The author describes activities proposed by Stys, which aimed at repairing the agricultural system based on increasing the rural population's share in property and the generated income. The article depicts Stys's belief in the importance of the development of cooperatives, which would help to introduce technological progress in agriculture. It also highlights Stys's role in the process of development and occupancy of Western Lands and indicates that, besides developing new political systems for agriculture, he also took part in the organisation of the first Polish cooperatives of settlements around Wrocław

    Michał Kalecki w polskiej i światowej ekonomii

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    Michał Kalecki – pioneer in economics The article is devoted to the presentation of work and views of Michał Kalecki, one of the most important representatives of economic thought in the twentieth-century Poland. Kalecki tended to explain the mechanism of the cyclical fluctuations in the economy, to develop and to enrich the relevant theory. He proved the influence of capitalistic enterprises investment decisions and technological progress innovations. The leading idea of his theory was the conviction that the problem of trade cycles is an important component of a more general theory of growth. His views on the causes of the cyclical fluctuactions were founded on a large socio-economic vision of the process of improving production, income and employment.Michał Kalecki – pioneer in economics The article is devoted to the presentation of work and views of Michał Kalecki, one of the most important representatives of economic thought in the twentieth-century Poland. Kalecki tended to explain the mechanism of the cyclical fluctuations in the economy, to develop and to enrich the relevant theory. He proved the influence of capitalistic enterprises investment decisions and technological progress innovations. The leading idea of his theory was the conviction that the problem of trade cycles is an important component of a more general theory of growth. His views on the causes of the cyclical fluctuactions were founded on a large socio-economic vision of the process of improving production, income and employment

    Freedom and the state according to Murray N. Rothbard

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie głównych założeń doktryny Murraya N. Rothbarda, w tym zwłaszcza jego poglądów na rolę państwa w życiu społecznym i gospodarczym. Wskazano, że Rothbard był krytykiem wszelkich form interwencji i stworzył własną wizję społeczeństwa bezpaństwowego. Popierał anarchokapitalizm, który oznaczał zastąpienie państwa konkurencją rynkową. W artykule przedstawiono postulat Rothbarda, dotyczący przejęcia przez prywatne firmy zadań rządu w dziedzinie ochrony mienia i sądownictwa. Dowiedziono, że centralnym punktem swojej teorii uczynił prawo własności, które wyniósł do poziomu wartości absolutnej. Przyjął, że wolność jest pochodną prawa własności i ma uniwersalny charakter. Sformułował aksjomat nieagresji, który wykluczał jakiekolwiek działania przeciwko własności, a użycie siły dopuszczał tylko w celu obrony przed atakiem. W ostatniej części artykułu dokonano analizy rozważań Rothbarda na temat państwa opiekuńczego i systemu pomocy społecznej, który uzależnia i demoralizuje ludzi. Wykazano, że zamiast rządowego systemu opieki społecznej proponował organizację programów wzajemnej pomocy.The objective of the paper is to present the major premises of Murray N. Rothbard’s doctrine, including his views on the role of the state in social and economic life. It was shown that Rothbard was a critic of all forms of intervention and created his own vision of a stateless society. He was a supporter of anarcho-capitalism, which involved replacing the state with market competition. The paper presents Rothbard’s postulate regarding the takeover of government tasks in the area of property protection and judiciary by private companies. It shows that property law became the central point of his theory and was raised to the level of an absolute value. He assumed that freedom is a derivative of property law and is by nature universal. He formulated an axiom on non-aggression, which excludes any action against property, and the use of force is only allowed to protect yourself against attack. The last part of the article features an analysis of Rothbard’s discussion on the welfare state and the system of social support, which renders people addicted and demoralized. It was proved that instead of a government system of social support Rothbard proposed organizing mutual support programs